Scripture Songs (MP3 Files)
Performed July 2010 by Janine
Song-01 - Daniel 2.20-22
-- Praise be to the Name of God
Song-02-03 - Daniel 6.26b-27 and Daniel 9.18b-19
-- He is the Living God, and O Lord, Forgive!
Performed April 2011
Song-06 - 1 Peter 3:15
-- In Your Hearts Set Apart Christ as Lord
Performed 2010
Song-02 - Daniel 6.26b-27
-- He is the Living God
Song-03 - Daniel 9.18b-19
-- O Lord, Forgive!
Song-04 - Daniel 12.2-3
-- Multitudes who Sleep will Awake
Song-05 - Daniel 7.13-14
-- His Kingdom Will Never Be Destroyed
Song-06 - 1 Peter 3.15
-- In Your Hearts Set Apart Christ as Lord
Song-07 - 1 Thess 5.16-18
-- Be Joyful Always
Song-08 - 1 Peter 2.9
-- You Are a Chosen People (Original Version)
Song-09 - 1 Peter 5.6-7
-- Humble Yourselves Under God's Mighty Hand
Song-10 - 1 Peter 1.3
-- He Has Given Us New Birth
Song-11 - 1 Peter 2.9
-- You Are a Chosen People
Song-12 - 2 Peter 1.3
-- His Divine Power
Last Update: July 16, 2011